
Computer Components & Software


Computer Components & Software
Visar 1 - 5 av 5 produkter
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(Pris visas exkl. moms)
  • 862,80 krEach
Microchip 2.4 GHz WiFi Adapter
  • InterfaceUSB
  • Wireless ConnectivityWiFi
  • WiFi Standard802.15.4
  • WiFi Band2.4GHz
Se liknande produkter WiFi Adapters
  • 13 354,99 krEach
Microchip MPLAB XC8 C Compiler C Compiler Software
  • Type of SoftwareC Compiler
  • Operating System CompatibilityLinux, Mac OS X, Windows
  • Software NameMPLAB XC8 C Compiler
Se liknande produkter Software
  • 3 412,61 krEach
Microchip MPLAB XC PRO High Priority Access Network License C Compiler Software
  • Type of SoftwareC Compiler
  • Software NameMPLAB XC PRO High Priority Access Network License
Se liknande produkter Software
  • 22 258,07 krEach
Microchip MPLAB XC8 Compiler PRO Dongle License C Compiler Software
  • Type of SoftwareC Compiler
  • Operating System CompatibilityLinux, MacOS, Windows
  • Software NameMPLAB XC8 Compiler PRO Dongle License
Se liknande produkter Software
  • 14 469,01 krEach
Microchip MPLAB XC16 C Compiler C Compiler Software
  • Type of SoftwareC Compiler
  • Software NameMPLAB XC16 C Compiler
Se liknande produkter Software
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